Dr. Heidi Seifert is an interventional anesthesiologist who focuses her life’s work on diagnostic and therapeutic non-surgical treatments to alleviate pain and provide regenerative healing. Our Houston-based treatments for your wrist can create dramatic reductions in your levels of pain and can result in improvements in both severe injuries and degenerative conditions like arthritis.
Injections – wrist
Despite its small size, your wrist is made up of a complex network of bones, tendons, ligaments, joints, and nerves. Treating your wrist can be a delicate and exact science, and to this end, we offer several types of minimally-invasive injection treatments:
- Steroidal injections can reduce inflammation, improve your range of motion, and allow your wrist to heal more comfortably. Steroids can also be used to reduce overall pain levels and assist in diagnosis.
- Nerve blocks can be injected into targeted nerves to inhibit their ability to relay messages of pain, giving you immediate and long-term pain relief.
Regenerative – wrist
Dr. Seifert offers a comprehensive suite of regenerative therapies for your wrist, including stem-cell-based treatments:
- PRP (platelet-rich-plasma) injections
- PDGF (platelet-derived growth factors) injections
- Stem-cell injections
- Lipogems
- BMAC (stem cells harvested from your bone marrow)
Regenerative treatments are designed to harvest and concentrate the elements in your body used to heal and regenerate damaged tissue, providing a major “boost” to a targeted area. We also offer laser-based therapies and others to promote your body’s natural ability to heal.